
Anti-collision solutions

The aim of the system is to provide customer with a solution that will prevent a collisions between vehicles and personnel working in the area of the machines usage.

System shall support: 

  • Modular easy to built-in devices
  • Power to supply electronic solution will be taken from machine sources
  • No interreference from electromagnetic fields
  • No additional system infrastructure required
  • Low power consumption.

System must be simple and understandable by any operator without a dedicated training to it. Audio and visual signals must be provided in case of emergency. 
System will have a defined thresholds which will be arranged, depending on system version and its antenna installation, in front, in the back or around the car. 

Connection between system and machine will be done within the usage of a suitable data exchange protocol (for ex. CAN). Depending on the integrity level automated stopping can be applied in hazardous situations. 


Described anticollision system should prevent accidents between vehicles and between vehicles and persons carrying tags. 

            To provide users of the system with the highest possible safety level, thresholds around the vehicle must be set. This areas of safety around the vehicle will be determined to the system at its initial state by a service software accessible only by the authorized users. Depending on the system usage case a minimum distance in meters should be set in order to provide enough distance to stop the vehicle to prevent the accident. As the default system will be configured with the thresholds as given below: 

  • Green zone – object(s) in the distance from 35 m to 100 m away from the vehicle
  • Yellow alert zone – object(s) in the distance from 20 m to 35 m away from the vehicle
  • Red alarm zone – object(s) in the distance lower than 20 m from the vehicle.

A defined action will be taken for object(s) which appears in the red zone for example vehicle can be stop and its engine can be turned off and an alarm siren will be triggered.

European funds